The Pyramid of Kukúlcan
or El Castillo

or El Castillo

Rising above the grassy plain in the center of Chichén Itzá is the giant Pyramid of Kukulcán. Early Spanish visitors to the city referred to the pyramid as El Castillo (The Castle).
Two of the four sides of this imposing structure have been restored. Originally each side had 91 steps and with the addition of the platform at the top there are 365 steps, one for each day of the year. Further evidence that this building was linked to the Maya interest in astronomy and calendars can be seen at both the spring and autumn equinox
Here are two drawings of the Pyramid complex the first leading from the ballcourt complex the other from on top of the Temple of the Warriors.

The Castle is composed of two structures superimposed on one another. The later pyramid was built over an earlier structure. The newer pyramid is about 55 meters (180 feet) on each side and has nine stepped sections (terraces) rising up to 24 meters (78 feet). Archeologists believe that the nine different floors symbolized the "Region of the Dead" to the ancient Maya.
Climbing to the top of the Castle one has an excellent view of the surrounding area of Chichén Itza. Here visitors will also find the upper temple with many images of Chaac, the Maya rain god.
In the Temple of the Red Jaguar, an earlier temple over which the present Castillo was built at a later date, archeologists discovered the throne of the jaguar (which may have been a throne for the high priest.) and a sculpture of the mysterious Chac-Mool figure (one of fourteen examples which are found throughout Chichén Itza).
At the foot of the Northern stairway are found the giant serpent heads representing Kukulcán, the god of the Maya-Toltec conquerors.
In the mid 19th century explorers John Stevens and Frederick Catherwood remarked on the impressive structure which they found.
El Castillio was the first building that we saw and from every point of view the grandest and most conspicuous object that towers above the plain. On the ground at the foot of the staircase are two colossal serpents' heads, ten feet in length, with mouths wide-open and tongues protruding. No doubt they were emblematic of some religious belief.
Single doorways on top of the mounds (have) lintels of sapote wood covered with elaborate carvings ...and ornamented with sculptured figures ...much worn but the head-dress, ornamented with a plume of feathers and portions of the rich attire still remain.
We passed a whole day within this lofty chamber, from time to time stepping out upon the platform to look down upon the ruined building of the ancient city, and an immense field stretching on all sides beyond.
Two of the four sides of this imposing structure have been restored. Originally each side had 91 steps and with the addition of the platform at the top there are 365 steps, one for each day of the year. Further evidence that this building was linked to the Maya interest in astronomy and calendars can be seen at both the spring and autumn equinox
Here are two drawings of the Pyramid complex the first leading from the ballcourt complex the other from on top of the Temple of the Warriors.

The Castle is composed of two structures superimposed on one another. The later pyramid was built over an earlier structure. The newer pyramid is about 55 meters (180 feet) on each side and has nine stepped sections (terraces) rising up to 24 meters (78 feet). Archeologists believe that the nine different floors symbolized the "Region of the Dead" to the ancient Maya.
Climbing to the top of the Castle one has an excellent view of the surrounding area of Chichén Itza. Here visitors will also find the upper temple with many images of Chaac, the Maya rain god.
In the Temple of the Red Jaguar, an earlier temple over which the present Castillo was built at a later date, archeologists discovered the throne of the jaguar (which may have been a throne for the high priest.) and a sculpture of the mysterious Chac-Mool figure (one of fourteen examples which are found throughout Chichén Itza).
At the foot of the Northern stairway are found the giant serpent heads representing Kukulcán, the god of the Maya-Toltec conquerors.
In the mid 19th century explorers John Stevens and Frederick Catherwood remarked on the impressive structure which they found.
El Castillio was the first building that we saw and from every point of view the grandest and most conspicuous object that towers above the plain. On the ground at the foot of the staircase are two colossal serpents' heads, ten feet in length, with mouths wide-open and tongues protruding. No doubt they were emblematic of some religious belief.
Single doorways on top of the mounds (have) lintels of sapote wood covered with elaborate carvings ...and ornamented with sculptured figures ...much worn but the head-dress, ornamented with a plume of feathers and portions of the rich attire still remain.
We passed a whole day within this lofty chamber, from time to time stepping out upon the platform to look down upon the ruined building of the ancient city, and an immense field stretching on all sides beyond.
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